Author Christine M Knight’s Blog

A Teller of Australian Stories

I am a storyteller. I am also a portrait and landscape painter. My preferred media is not oil or watercolours but words. My pictures capture the world that I know and form a backdrop to the stories I tell.

I am Australian. My father was a migrant, and my mother a fourth generation Australian. My father bequeathed me his restlessness and search for identity in a landscape alien to the one in which he grew up. My mother bestowed on me a love of homeland and its people. 

From childhood, I have been fascinated by storytelling and interested in the way it contributes to and reflects identity – personal and national. As a reader, I was thrilled when I discovered Colleen McCullough’s Australian stories and disappointed when her interest shifted to Ancient Rome. As a nation and a people, we need stories about the way we were and the way we are.

I am a watcher and a listener. I find the cadence of life in Australia intriguing. A world traveller, I recognise what makes us uniquely Australian although that is changing with the cycle of life, as all things do. My stories capture the world and people I know and the changes I see. My novels and characters are fictional constructions grounded in knowledge garnered from life and based on extensive research into what is collectively experienced and felt as well as what is uniquely individual.

I tell stories about characters in Australian settings that have a universal relevance. 

Note: Australians use the British spelling system and not that favoured by the USA.